New York and Vienna , between Dreams and Reality

Okey ,, here is my third writing in english !
Hope getting better with my grammar . 😀

Yeah,, now it’s coming to Mid-March . I think day by day is going too fast and we often didn’t aware. So, i get some busyness with all my school tasks, which adding from day to day . All lessons have a big project that i have to done. But it’s oke, i know this is the consequence of a student like me 😉

And, today i had finish filling all my documents and application for Visa . Yesterday i got my passport , and today i have to sent it to Jakarta for get Visa. I can not wait for August ! That’s my departure to US for YES Student Exchange and i could not imagine how can i leave all my life here, even just for a moment . (11 months) .

You know, i have a lot of missions here , many things that i have to do with friends, community,my city and my country . There were some targets and dreams that have not implemented yet . Ex: I want to be one of “Pemimpin Muda Indonesia”, joined at broadcasting community, have a band (i miss singing) , and so on..
Especially, when I have to accept the fact that when I returned to Indonesia later, my friends have graduated High school, and they have become college students and I have to repeat the moment of high school in Grade 3.

But it’s oke . Everything does happen for a reason. I’m sure, i will get a wonderful experience in USA later. Like such plans have I made in “100 Target Hadiansyah”, I will get YES scholarship and study in the USA for a year, then joined in the social organization there, learning about life, social and cultural communities in that superpower country, then go back to Indonesia with a million dreams and new inspirations to continue my life.

But, one thing that I worry about, where I live then? New York? Washington? Miami? Oh God I really hope to live in a big city, it’s because I want to join in some international organizations and become vounteer for several world conferences, (Ex: IFCW World Forum 2010 in New York). So, I was hoping to get host family in New York, or at least not in Los Angeles (In order to find Hollywood!) 😀

And now, I’m waiting for the announcement for delegates of The International AIDS Conference in Vienna, Austria. I really wish I could come to Europe before setting foot in America, although the prospects to get a scholarship of AIDS Congress is very small, but I’m sure, it is not possible if on 17 July next, I will fly to Vienna, to set the land and admire the beautiful European historic city of Vienna .. Moreover, I’ve known Michi, a friend from AIESEC from Vienna and now living in Malang. Maybe He can help me there.

Oh God .. Allow me to get that opportunity. Wish me Luck and Hope all the best for me! 😉

About Hadiansyah

Seorang anak manusia yang terlahir di bumi arema. Menyukai banyak hal, tantangan dan pecinta kereta api. Kiprahnya di dunia anak-bertekad memperjuangkan hak dan eksistensi anak-tak luput dari teater yang bisa membesarkan namanya. Suka berpetualang-tentunya naik kereta api-membuat bocah berhobi traveling ini bisa membuka mata dan menikmati indahnya dunia. Aktif di dunia jurnalis, sosial dan organisasi lainnya. Kelak ia ingin menjadi insan yang berguna bagi bangsa dan dunia...

Posted on March 12, 2010, in My Life. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Well, I think your English have improved, much better than before. As your buddy, I could only wish the best for you. Finally, you can go abroad, to USA. If you get many good friends(and beautiful girl ;D), don’t forget your old friends here and introduce them to me if you don’t mind. Wish you could go to Austria either. Then, if you have any information about study abroad(especially in Japan,Korea, China, or Netherlands), you know you have to contact me. Ok, fighting!

  2. well, thanks for ur great response lil !
    i’ll always remember what have u told me and wish me luck ! 😉

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